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While impossible to predict when a plumbing emergency occurs, tell-tale symptoms such as a leaky tap or drain blockage might indicate something grave. In case of a waterwork emergency, acting immediately and with the help of our Byron Bay plumbing service can keep severe problems from worsening.

Most homeowners will demonstrate a basic understanding of plumbing systems, but not enough to take the reins on a pipe crisis. If you encounter a problem that requires immediate attention, consider the dos and don’ts of managing your pipework.

What Not to Do

When face to face with a plumbing emergency, intuition will drive you to alleviate the problem as quickly as possible. However, you won’t want to run the risk of exacerbating the problem by:

1. Using a Store-Bought Drain Cleaner

When it comes to minor blockages, store-bought drain cleaners may suffice. However, these corrosive liquids won’t just eat away at the clog—they’ll also gradually fragment your pipes.

This type of damage is especially pertinent when it comes to substantial obstructions when drain-cleaning solutions rest atop the clog, dissolving your pipe in a concentrated area.

2. Attempting to Address the Problem Yourself

While you can certainly observe what you feel is the root cause of the plumbing disaster, you won’t want to DIY a solution. Leave it to specialists who are well-equipped with ample knowledge of piping infrastructure and the appropriate tools.

3. Doing Without Regular Maintenance

The best piping solutions often lie in preventative measures. If your plumbing systems are failing at a hurried rate, you’re likely dealing with old, corroded fixtures in desperate need of replacement.

Uprooting an entire system can become costly, which is why you should indulge in an annual inspection of your electrical appliances, joints, pipes, and other plumbing-related equipment on your premises.

What You Should Do

No matter the circumstances or apparent gravity of the plumbing issue, there are a few musts that you can’t overlook.

1. Act Immediately

Regardless of whether you have a burst pipe or gas leak on your hands, you’re going to want to address the issue as it happens. Shut off your main water supply by locating the primary valve and other individual switches.

2. Contact a Professional

When you act, do it wisely. Avoid calling up a cut-rate technician or handle a burst pipe yourself. Never risk leaving the job to an untrained eye or unreliable contractor. Look for a plumber with 5 star Google reviews.

3. Take Care of Your Appliances

It should go without saying that plumbing emergencies are less likely to occur when you care for your household appliances. Schedule regular inspections and refrain from throwing oil and solids into the drain and toilet.

Clogging your pipes with materials it can’t break down will ultimately lead to massive blockages, water obstructions, and horrid sewer overflows.


Always leave out-of-control circumstances up to a professional plumbing company. While it may be tempting to plug a toilet geyser, you may further aggravate the clog.

For emergency plumbing in Byron Bay, Ballina and surrounding localities, give our experts at Fantastic Plumbing a shout. We’re available to you anytime you need us, no matter the problem.

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