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Setting up a fully-functional kitchen in your backyard is a fun renovation project, but the planning can be quite gruelling. One of the most crucial aspects to prioritise in this effort will be the seamless setup of the gas and water lines. After all, no kitchen, whether indoor or outdoor, can function properly without these essential components.

Setting up a project as big as an outdoor kitchen will, of course, require the best plumbers in Byron Bay (and Ballina and surrounding areas) — and here at Fantastic Plumbing, we have all the contacts and resources you need to get started building on your outdoor kitchen!

To give you a brief idea on how to approach your new outdoor kitchen setup, here are some things you need to know to get started:

Map Out Your Kitchen

Before building your new grilling area, decide how you’ll be using your outdoor kitchen. Will it involve food preparation in addition to cooking? Does it need to be big enough for two people cooking at once? Answering basic questions like these will provide a good scope of the required work to set up your kitchen.

Think about the budget and the elements that you want to be included in your outdoor kitchen. For one, consider whether or not there will be an outdoor seating area or if the food will be taken back once cooked. Decide on what your non-negotiables are versus where you can accommodate more changes. For example, you’ll most certainly want to prioritise the grill itself, along with any plumbing and electrical outlets that you’ll need to be installed.

Consult and Plan With the Right Specialists

Setting up an outdoor kitchen will take extensive planning, given the deck or patio you want to place it on. It’s important to figure out a general layout or sketch of where you want things to be and to consult with a plumbing specialist so they can begin putting the plans for your water and gas lines in place. This is an essential part of your outdoor kitchen, along with the electrical setup. Much of your kitchen’s design will depend on where each fixture can be placed, especially given the existing pipelines in your home and how it can be connected to your outdoor kitchen.

Together with builders that they typically partner with, plumbers set the basic foundation for your outdoor kitchen. After you determine this, it’s easier to figure out where to place your grill, fridge, and the rest of your outdoor kitchen’s appliances.

Don’t forget to specify the amount of space you’ll be needing with your plumber as they are mapping everything out. For instance, if you’re installing an outdoor grill, you’ll be needing at least 75 cm to 90 cm of space on either side. While it may seem a convenient thing to do, don’t place a fixture, like your sink or a cooler, right next to the grill itself. If you’re unsure, consult with an experienced plumber about the particulars of the layout—they will know what works best and can make some recommendations that will suit your liking.

Aside from plumbers, you’ll need to consult with an electrician too, since you’ll be needing electrical lines to use certain appliances, like electrical grills or refrigeration units.

Check If You Need Council Approval

Depending on the scope of your plans you may also need council approval. The temptation may be to just jump into it, but the last thing you need is council telling you a year down the track that you need to pull everything up. Your plumber or builder will probably be able to tell you if you need council approval, but it would not hurt to check yourself, as well.

Begin Building

Excavating the area to make way for all the pipes, fixtures, and other setups required for your new outdoor kitchen will take up the most time in this process, depending on the layout of your existing space. Areas like patios will have a faster setup time than an area of grass in your backyard. The latter will require more work and precautions so as not to break any buried gas, power, and water lines.

Installation of Appliances

After the foundation has been set, all the appliances—including the grill, the cabinets, and some final decorative touches—are now ready for installation. Feel free to design this in whatever way you want, whether it’s a minimal look or a more ambitious design. Some even add a TV to their set or some extra water features, such as a fountain or spa—all to amp up the ambience!


Setting up your outdoor barbie might be a challenge, but sticking through it will bring you a great dining experience right at home. You can prepare, cook, and clean-up in a fresher and greener environment with the help of the plumbers you hire. Cooking your favourite grilled dishes will never be the same again, and once you’re done, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the view from your newly renovated outdoor kitchen.

Getting the plumbing done right for your outdoor kitchen is a must. Here at Fantastic Plumbing, we offer a variety of plumbing repair and refurbishment services to residential and commercial clients in Byron Bay, Ballina, Banora Point, and surrounding areas. If you’re looking for plumbing services in Byron Bay, visit our website today!

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