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When it comes to a home remodelling project, the bathroom is often the most renovated. This is because it’s one of the house areas that’s used and abused daily. Likewise, it’s one of the smaller rooms at home that’s easily and quickly fixed. Also, it yields a good return on investment (ROI) by increasing your property’s value, in case you sell your home in the future.

Before pursuing a renovation, however, there are a few key factors to keep in mind, whether you plan to add new amenities, upgrade your old room, or turn it into a Zen-like space. In this article, we will share five key things to consider when remodelling your bathroom:

1. Space and dimension

The initial element to consider is the dimension of your existing bathroom by measuring the square footage of the room. While you’re at it, ask yourself if you want to add more or maximise the space in your room. From there, you can come up with a floor plan based on the room’s dimension. Likewise, you’ll have to decide on how to strategically position the cabinets, shelves, bathtub, shower, vanity, and toilet. Ultimately, the available space will determine how far you can go with your renovation.

2. Household needs or home reselling

The next point to consider for your remodelling project is whether you need to keep up with your household needs or plan to sell your home in the future. Regardless of your purpose, this renovation project still makes all the difference because it enhances the aesthetic and functional values of your bathroom. The difference lies as to who your renovation will cater to. If it’s your household, then consider their needs. If you have some prospective buyers in mind, align the project to what they need.

3. DIY or professional route

When pursuing a bathroom remodelling, you typically have two routes to take—resort to DIY practices or hire professionals. In most cases, you’ll likely go with the former option if it’s just a minor renovation and you have the knowledge and skills to do the work. If it’s a major renovation that requires the expertise of installers, plumbers, or contractors, however, then hiring a professional is your best approach.

4. Plumbing upgrade

Another consideration is if you need to have a plumbing upgrade as your bathroom is the end of your plumbing system where water is supplied, and wastewater is disposed of. As you may be aware, the plumbing is a complex system of pipes. For this reason, you will need an expert plumber who’ll help you out with the project. They will also assist you in planning the best renovation, replace or reroute any lines, install and repair any tap, fixtures, and pipes, and work with water mains and septic tanks.

5. Overall budget

The final consideration to make is your overall budget, as this will determine the scope and direction of your remodelling project. Of course, you’ll only pursue a certain renovation based on what you can afford. For the most part, here’s what you need to consider:

  • The total cost of the bathroom components (provided by manufacturers)
  • Labour costs of the renovation company (whether contractors or plumbers)
  • Miscellaneous expenses (for accessories, added fixtures, and other luxury items)


At this point, you now know what to consider for your bathroom remodelling project. As discussed above, be sure to factor in the available space, your household or home reselling needs, DIY or professional route, plumbing upgrade, and the overall budget. With all these in mind, you’ll be able to make the right decision that will take your bathroom up a notch!

Are you looking to remodel or fix your bathroom? We’ve got you covered! We’re specialised in plumbing services in Byron Bay, Ballina and the surrounding areas with various services, such as bathroom renovation, emergency plumbing, blocked drains, toilet repairs, leak detection and repair, and backflow prevention services. Get in touch with us today to see how we can help!

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